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What does ASU Newman do?

ASU Newman forms college students in Catholic teaching through videos from FORMED, FOCUS, YouTube, and Newman Connections. Bible study, prayer, Adoration, Mass, and discussions are also integral parts of the formation sessions for students. Students meet for fellowship and food at Adams State Thursdays from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Metting Topics/Discussion: Quote

True Reformers

The study of the Church's rebirth and response to the Protestant reformation.

To grow in understanding of our Faith, it is important to recognize the changes the Church has undergone and the importance of discovering how the call to serve and love God has not changed through time. The faith that Jesus established 2000 years ago is the same faith we share today. This study is meant to inspire a continual inquiry to the truth that is the Catholic Church and how we may imitate the great Saints that were pivotal players in maintaining the zeal in the midst of confusion and hurt.

Metting Topics/Discussion: About

True Reformers: Session 1

Summary of session 1 discussion: coming soon.

Metting Topics/Discussion: Text
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